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General Attorneys: Lives and Careers Did you know that in order to become an attorney in the United States, one must first earn a bachelor's degree. They must then apply to and get accepted to a law school, where they will spend three to four years studying law, specifically. They then have to pass a bar exam in order to legally be allowed to practice in their state. It's no secret that lawyers are well-educated, and they can get the job done when you need them to. Rely on a general attorney for your legal and representation needs, and dig into this blog to learn more about the profession.



When Should You Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Injuries that require medical attention can happen anywhere, at any time. If you've suffered a physical or psychological injury due to negligence or intentional act of a third party, you may be eligible for compensation, both for the medical bills and other losses.

However, before you start to lodge a claim, you need to decide whether to engage a personal lawyer or to DIY your case. So, under which circumstances is the first option superior to the latter?

Your Liability Is Under Dispute

You can only be compensated for your injuries if you can prove that someone else caused the accident. In some cases, the other party may dispute liability and lay the blame squarely on you. If that happens, it's in your best interest to hire a personal injury attorney. 

Experienced lawyers will gather as much evidence as possible to determine who is at fault. For instance, they will reconstruct the scene of the accident as well as peruse medical reports to develop a legal strategy for proving liability. In the end, a lawyer will establish the at-fault party and develop clear legal remedies that are applicable to you.

Your Injuries Are Serious

Hiring a lawyer for minor injuries doesn't make sense. For such cases, it's a good idea to file a legal insurance claim on your own. However, if you suffered a serious injury that necessitates hospitalization, surgery, or rehabilitation, you should seek professional legal representation. 

Severe injuries not only result in significantly higher financial losses but also issues such as: 

  • Pain and suffering 
  • Temporary disability 
  • Permanent disability (e.g., amputation) 

A personal injury lawyer will evaluate the magnitude of your injuries and fight for your rights to fair compensation. If your claims include substantial future medical costs, you can bet a good legal representation will significantly increase your compensation value. 

Your Case Involves Multiple Parties

Some personal injury cases, especially those involving multiple parties, need to be prosecuted using complicated liability laws. Product liability claims, multi-vehicle accidents, and construction accidents are good examples of such cases. Personal injury cases involving multiple parties generally benefit from the services of an attorney. 

These cases have challenging aspects that only an experienced lawyer can deal with. As the participating entities argue about who is liable for your injuries and damages, your attorney conducts investigations to develop a case that protects you. Oftentimes, cases involving multiple parties take months or years to be settled.

Suffering a personal injury can be life-altering, not forgetting the emotional distress it will cause you and your loved ones. Luckily, a personal injury lawyer will ensure that you're fairly compensated for all the damages you incur. 
